If are you active on Snapchat then you must have noticed the emoji next to your friend’s name in the chat tab.
Many of you will be aware of the meaning of these emojis
But if you don’t know the meaning then you can know in this post
because I’m going to decode the meaning of Snapchat emojis

What are Snapchat Emojis?
Snapchat Emojis are emojis that appear next to your Snapchat friend’s username
Snapchat emojis are small icons that represent friends’ statuses and show different types of relationships and interactions between friends
we use these emojis to convey various levels of friendship, closeness, and engagement.
Snapchat automatically assigns emojis to your friends on your friend list based on your interactions with them, and they can also be customized to represent specific friends based on your preferences

Some popular examples of Snapchat emojis and their meanings include
Yellow Heart 😊 – This emoji signifies that you and another user are each other’s best friends, meaning that you both interact with each other the most on Snapchat.
Red Heart ❤️ – The red heart emoji represents a strong bond or friendship between you and another user, indicating that you have continuously been best friends for at least two weeks.
Fire 🔥 – The fire emoji signifies a Snapstreak, which means that you and another user have snapped at each other consistently for multiple days in a row.
Smiling Face 😃 or Smirking Face 😏 – These emojis represent the users you snap with the most, but they are not your best friends. The smiling face denotes a user you frequently send snaps to, and the smirking face may indicate that you’re one of the users that the other person frequently snaps with, but they are not one of your best friends.
Hourglass ⌛ – The hourglass emoji warns that a Snapstreak is about to end, indicating that you and another user need to send snaps to each other soon to keep the Snapstreak going.

Snapchat Emoji Meanings 2023
There are the following emojis with the meaning
Baby emoji 👶
The baby emoji on Snapchat represents a new friend or a new addition to your friend list.
When you see a baby emoji beside a friend’s name on Snapchat, it means that you and that friend have recently become friends on the platform.
Gold star emoji 🌟
The gold star emoji appear when your friend replays your snap in the past 24 hours
The gold star emoji is a positive indication that your snaps have caught your friend’s attention and that they have taken the time to replay them
yellow heart emoji 💛
The yellow heart emoji on Snapchat represents a best friend
When you see a yellow heart emoji beside a friend’s name on Snapchat,
it means that you and that friend have shared the most number of snaps with each other compared to any other friend on your friend list.
This emoji indicates a close and strong friendship on Snapchat
Red heart emoji ❤️
The red heart emoji on Snapchat represents a “Super BFF.”
When you see a red heart emoji beside a friend’s name on Snapchat, it means that you and that friend have been each other’s best friends for at least two months straight.
This emoji signifies a long-standing and significant friendship on Snapchat.
Pink hearts emoji 💕
The pink hearts emoji on Snapchat represents “Besties.”
When you see pink hearts emoji beside a friend’s name on Snapchat, it means that you and that friend are each other’s best friends.
This emoji signifies a close and mutual friendship on Snapchat.
Birthday cake emoji 🎂
This emoji appears when it’s your friend’s birthday. It’s a fun way to celebrate your friend’s special day and send them birthday wishes.
Smiling face emoji 😊
This emoji appears when you and a friend share the most number of snaps with each other.
It signifies that you and that friend are best friends on Snapchat, and you both send snaps to each other frequently.
Face with sunglasses emoji 😎
Appears next to the name of someone with whom you share mutual best friends, often indicating common interests or connections.
Grimacing face emoji 😬
Appears next to the name of someone you share a best friend with, but only when your top best friend is also their top best friend, signifying friendly competition.
Smirking face emoji 😏
Previously used to indicate “I’m your best friend, but you’re not mine,” but has been removed by Snapchat to prevent any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
Fire emoji 🔥
Appears when you are engaged in a Snapstreak with another user, indicating that you have exchanged snaps consecutively for at least three days.
One hundred emoji 💯
Replaces the fire emoji on the 100th consecutive day of maintaining a Snapstreak, signifying a long and consistent streak.
Hourglass emoji ⌛
Appears when your Snapstreak is about to end, serving as a reminder to continue exchanging snaps to keep the streak going.
Pushpin 📌
Appears next to conversations that you have pinned to the top of your feed, helping you keep track of important conversations.
Snapchat emoji meanings chart
Snapchat Emoji | Emoji | Meaning |
Baby | 👶 | You and this person are new Snapchat friends. |
Gold Star | 🌟 | This person has replayed your snaps in the past 24 hours. |
Yellow heart | 💛 | You and this person are best friends. You exchange the most snaps with each other. |
Read heart | ❤️ | You and this person have been best friends for two consecutive weeks. |
Pink heart | 💕 | You and this person have maintained a friendship streak for two months or more. |
Birthday Cake | 🎂 | It’s your friend’s birthday. Snapchat will also send you a notification on their birthday. |
Smiling face | 😊 | You and this person send a lot of snaps to each other. You’re close friends. |
Face with sunglasses | 😎 | You have mutual best friends with this person. |
Grimacing face | 😬 | You and this person share a best friend, and that best friend is also their best friend. |
Fire | 🔥 | You’re engaged in a Snapstreak with this person. Your Snapstreak has lasted at least three consecutive days. |
One hundred | 💯 | You’ve maintained a Snapstreak for one hundred consecutive days. |
One hundred | ⌛ | Your Snapstreak with this person is about to end. |
Pushpin | 📌 | You’ve pinned this conversation to the top of your feed. |
I hope now you find the meaning of Snapchat emojis
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