A self-hosted blog is a blog that functions and appears on the web browser with the help of a personal server or third-party server like Bluehost. The server helps your website to appear on the web browser.
Hey, do you want to start a blog but have confusion regarding the choice of server? which server should I choose a self-hosted blog or should I go with a free blogging site?
My friend you are at the right place in this article I will try to clear your dought related to a self-hosted blog and free blogging site.
Disclosure: I have used an affiliate link to the blog that has no additional cost to you. I’ll earn a commission. When you purchase hosting using my one of my affiliate links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and keep my content free of charge to you.

What is a self-hosted blog:
A self-hosted blog is a blog that functions and appears on the web browser with the help of a personal server or third-party server like Bluehost. The server helps your website to appear on the web browser.
It’s simple if you have purchased a server plan from a hosting provider like Bluehost, Hostgator, or Domain racer it means you have a self-hosted blog.
Now it’s up to you which plan you want to select “shared hosting” or “dedicated hosting”. they are just a plan of self-hosting blog. they don’t determine blog scenario is free or self-hosted
You can create your self-hosted blog with a CMS platform like WordPress or hire a web developer for a customized self-hosted website.
Best self-hosted blogging platforms:
There are the following best self-hosted blogging platforms are-
- Bluehost
- Hostgator
- Domain Racer
- Godaddy
Difference between a self-hosted blog and a free blog:
As I stated above self-hosted blog is a blog that operates with the self-server or with a purchased server by the hosting provider.
In free blogging sites you don’t need to purchase a server all you get for free like- medium, blogger.com, google, etc.
I have created a blog website list if you are interested in free blogging you can choose the sites from the list.
But free blog sites comes with some limitation you cannot monetize your free blog site whereas in the self-hosted blog you have control over your blog.
so the question arises should I choose a free blog or a self-hosted blog
Should I choose a free blog or a self-hosted blog
Friends choice of blog depend your intention if you want to write a blog just for your writing passion and dont have intention to earn from blog then you shold go with free blogging sites network.
But if you want to earn money from your blog and what to convert you passion in to earning then you should choose for self-hosted blog.
5 Reasons to start a self-hosted blog:
There are various reason to select self hosted blog these are following-
1- To get full control of your website:
With the self-hosted blog, you get control of your website. you can carry your website for the time you want. where in free blogging site you dont know when it can get off as you are dependent on the service provider.
You can do the changes as per the guideline of the free service provider. You will phase many ristriction while doing SEO and other changes.
Where in self-hosting sites you get full control you do the changes according to your need.
2- Content copywriting:
Content is assest in blogging industry if you have self hosting website then you can claim copy write for your content. in free websites they clearly mention your content will be wholsole property of free blog service provder.
Thats the main reason I hate free-blog. its looks like working for others. although you will have the authority to delet your profile and it will lead to loss of your work.
Here all the hard work done by you will generate traffic to the service provider.
3- Website customization:
A website creates the first impression in the mind of a blog reader. In the free-blog sites you have restriction you can not customize website. whereas in a self-hosted website, you can customize it according to your own choice.
You can choose a theme and can change the theme as you want but all these facility are not available in free blog site.
4- Profesional Apperance:
Self-hosted website shows a profesional appearence. it creates an impact in the mind of the user. where free-site look similar and create unprofessional gestures.
You can not increase your company brand value with free sites. And dont shows profesional approcach in user mind.
5- SEO:
Search engine optimization is the only method to improve the ranking on the search engine result page. with the frr-blog sites you can not do on-page SEO.
There is chance to do off-page seo but you dont know when they will diswaw refering domain according to their need.
6- Monetization:
With the free-blog website you can not monetize your content with adsennce or other adnetwork. its up to the service provider they have any scheme for monetization or not.
So if you want to earn money with monetization from your blog then you should create a self-hosted website.
Cost to Launch Self-host website:
Friends you can have self hosted website in just 5$/month. it may vary according to the service provider and offer they offer.
If you select the annual plan you can get a discount. However additional services can increase your cost but you can run your website with a basic plan and with basic services.
As I have purchased multiple domain registring hosting plan as a result it increased my cost.
How to start a self-hosted website or blog:
To start a blog you need to follow these step-by-step processes-
- Select Domain name and check for availability if domain is available add it to you cart but donet purchase because most of the hosting provider give free domain for first year.
- Select the hosting plan and purchase it
- Now register your domain if the hosting provider offering it to you free for a year
- Create your website Custom or with WordPress
It’s simple and easy to get a self-hosted website at an affordable price. in my personal opinion you should not go for free-website. as it have limitation and dont add valur to user mind.
If you want to make your passion your career and want to make your living by your passion then you need to have a stunning self-hosted website.