Hello, friends do you want to learn about Natural backlinks and want to know how to build natural backlinks for your blog or website?
Then my friend you are in the right place here in this blog you will learn –
What are the natural backlinks?
Importance of natural backlinks in SEO
Effect of natural Backlinks on search engine
How to create a natural backlink?
What are natural backlinks:
A backlink that you get without money or unethical influence is called a natural backlink.
The natural backlink is the link that you get when someone cites your web page content for further explanation. it means you are getting it by content influence.
Let’s see with an example how search engines consider any link as a natural link:
Search engines like the link If A link to B and B links to C these types of links create good quality link graph that shows proper linking between them.

Suppose you are creating content for your new blog page and you give the citation to another web page of another website to explain your definition or statical data.
It means you are providing a natural backlink to the web page you cited in your blog page.
Natural backlinking is the method of white-hat SEO. Search engines like these types of high pr backlinks either it is from high authority websites or low domain authority websites.
Due to its quality search engine improve web page ranking instantly.
If you get the natural backlink from the high authority website that can be awesome for your website.
Your web page can get top ranking in the search engine ranking page.
The practice of gaining natural quality backlinks is a good practice for search engine optimization.
Importance of Natural backlinks In SEO:
Natural backlinks are high pr backlinks that search engines always consider as high-pr backlinks as a result it plays various important role in search engine optimization.
1- Natural links improve the search engine ranking of the web page on a search engine result page.
2- It improves the domain authority of the website that also a search engine ranking factor.
3- You do not need to worry about search engine penalties.
4- The web pages that have quality natural links provide quality referral traffic as well as organic traffic to the website.
5- Increases business revenue
Effect of natural backlinks on search Engines:
Natural backlinks are known as search engine-friendly backlinks because they fulfill the aim of Search engines which is to provide the best user experience to its users.
The blog that follows the search engine guidelines and creates search engine-friendly backlink for their website get the top rank.
Web pages of these websites easily rank on search engine result pages and provide a large quantity of quality traffic.
Before the penguin update, it was easy to fool search engines with low-quality links. but after the penguin update, search engine boasts that is enough smart to determine low-quality links.
How to create natural backlinks:
Bloggers should always try to get natural links because after the penguin updates spammy links are no more relevant for web page ranking.
Usually, we think it’s a very tough task to create natural links yes it is but not as much as you think.
I searched near about 100 websites on the SEMrush tool and find –
to get a 50DR to 60 Domain rating you need to have 15000 referring domains pointing to your website. Between them, you need 60 to 70% do-follow backlinks.
The important thing is what I found “just 1000 natural backlinks in 15000 referring domains”. the data can vary because of the small sample size.
But the larger fact is if you have 1000 natural backlinks then you can target the hardest keyword of your niche.
There are various methods that can help you to achieve natural links-
1- Internal Linking
2- Guide Post
3- List Post
4- Research
5- Profile creation
Internal Linking:
Internal linking of the web pages of your website is one of the best and easy methods to get a natural backlink for your website.
Search engines consider internal linking as an SEO best practice. its white hat SEO practice to improve search ranking.
Guide Post:
Find below some guide post images and see how they are gaining backlinks from their web pages.

You can see this keyword research guide has gained 18931 backlinks.
I researched 1000 guide post from the web and find all of them has gained a large number of quality backlinks.
The guide post is the proven method to build natural backlinks for your website.
Create List Post:
While doing research on guide posts I found list posts also help to create natural backlinks

See I created a post on social bookmarking and it helped me to achieve 4125 backlinks.
Its take time and money to do the research on any subject matter but it returns you more than you invest in your research by providing natural backlink and quality traffic to your website.
Profile Creation:
Search engines love the branding and promotion method of profile creation. You can create your profile on various platforms like- Business, social, and professional