Forums are meeting places of the same community people who have similar thoughts, work, and goals
Online Forums provide a platform to share and gain knowledge. Along with this, they help to increase traffic and domain authority
As a result, it’s very popular among bloggers and learners.
There are various forums available on the web (Ex. Forum related to digital marketing, website development, health, travel, International issues, general discussion, SEO, Etc., Etc.) you can choose any of them according to your interests and goal
However, you should be careful while posting on forums because irrelevant posts and the creation of backlinks are considered spam it can ruin your blog health.
Essential features of the forum site list
Give a boost to off-page SEO
Help to increase Domain Authority
Provide high authority do-follow backlink
Best place to ask questions
Help to increase knowledge
Provide a detailed answer
Increase quality traffic
Cautions before posting in the forum
1- Do not create backlinks everywhere as it can lead you to be blocked by admin. Create relevantly citation
2- Provide a detailed answer it increases the credibility where wrong and misguiding answer creates a negative impact.
3- Read the guidelines of the forum carefully
4- Do not do affiliate marketing in forums. or don’t try to sell any product.
5-Do not do-over posting
List of SEO-related forum sites:
Webmasters Help Community: DA – 99 PA – 69 SS 1%
The best forum for SEO-related queries like ( Sitemap, Indexing, Crawling, etc., etc. ) It is owned by Google so there is no need to know about DA and PA. As much as your profile strength will increase in this forum your site authority will get the increase.
Warrior Forum: DA – 64 PA – 42 SS – 1%
This helps you to do a discussion for free as well as offers some paid features. It has a large segment over there you can select according to your interest. I am using its free platform and find Awesome for me.
V7N SEO Forum: DA – 49 PA – 45 SS – 1%
V7N is actually a marketing forum but it has developed a segment as SEO and I found all-important questions there related to SEO like How to increase domain authority and How to increase On-page and Off-page SEO scores etc. etc.
Blackhat world: DA – 59 PA – 59 SS – 1%
The best SEO forum is owned by Damien. This site offers various other features you can find more about it on Wikipedia and Warrior vs Blackhat
Digital Point: DA – 75 PA – 63 SS – 1%
One of the best search engine marketing forums According to the search engine journal.
Link-Assistant: DA – 58 PA – 47 SS – 1%
Here you can get 2848 SEO-related topics if you are new to SEO Link-assistant can be a good platform for you.
Affilorama: DA – 50 PA – 35 SS – 1%
Actually, its affiliate marketing training website along with an SEO forum learn more about it from Magnet4blogging and blogger side.
SEO Refugee: DA – 38 PA – 39 SS – 1%
A good forum for SEO and online marketing.
List of top Forum Posting sites:
CNET Forum:
DA – 94 PA – 67 SS – 1% Alexa rank- 128 ( forums.cnet.com ) You will get here forum related to Operating systems, Software, Electronics and Gadgets, Hardware, and General Help.
DA – 91 PA – 63 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 383 ( forum.wordreference.com ) The Forum is related to language.
DA – 94 PA – 60 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 449 (community.oracle.com/welcome ) World’s largest interactive community dedicated to Oracle technologies
XDA Developers:
DA – 92 PA – 68 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 1313 ( forum.xda-developers.com ) The Forum is related to Android development.
OVH Forum:
DA – 93 PA – 74 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 4447 ( forum.ovh.com)
Host Gator:
DA – 90 PA – 67 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 2026 (forums.hostgator.com )
VLC Video Lan Forum:
DA – 90 PA – 61 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 2896 ( forum.videolan.org )
MY SQL Forum:
DA – 93 PA – 67 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 2920 (forums.mysql.com)
DA – 91 PA – 54 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 2573 ( community.amd.com/community/support-forums )
DA – 83 PA – 63 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 4673 ( www.skyscrapercity.com )
DA – 85 PA – 65 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 3088 (forum.statcounter.com)
Ubuntu Forums:
DA – 78 PA – 63 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 9055 (ubuntuforums.org )
DA – 91 PA – 56 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 6260 (forums.futura-sciences.com)
DA – 85 PA – 55 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 6970 ( siteground.com/kb/ )
DA – 81 PA – 49 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 4950 (feedback.techsmith.com/techsmith )
DA – 89 PA – 55 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 8837 (forum.openoffice.org)
DA – 88 PA – 55 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 6738 (forum.bitdefender.com )
DA – 86 PA – 49 SS – 1% Alexa rank – 7275 (help.foxitsoftware.com)
DA – 84 PA – 45 SS – 1% Alexa rank 7489 (whatismyip.com/questions )
DA – 84 PA – 53 ss – 1% Alexa rank – 12055 (forum.mikrotik.com)
200+ Free forum submission sites
S.No | Forum Sites | DA |
1 | https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4 | 96 |
2 | https://forums.cpanel.net/ | 94 |
3 | https://forum.wordreference.com/ | 92 |
4 | https://www.000webhost.com/forum/ | 92 |
5 | https://forums.mysql.com/ | 92 |
6 | https://forum.parallels.com/ | 92 |
7 | https://www.flickr.com/help/forum/en-us/ | 92 |
8 | https://forum.xda-developers.com/ | 92 |
9 | https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/ | 92 |
10 | https://forum.joomla.org/ | 91 |
11 | https://forums.futura-sciences.com/ | 90 |
12 | https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/ | 90 |
13 | https://www.deviantart.com/forum/ | 89 |
14 | https://www.digitalocean.com/community | 89 |
15 | https://community.cbr.com/ | 89 |
16 | https://forum.filezilla-project.org/ | 88 |
17 | https://www.phpbb.com/community/ | 88 |
18 | https://forum.utorrent.com/ | 88 |
19 | https://www.sitepoint.com/community/ | 87 |
20 | https://www.skyscrapercity.com/ | 87 |
21 | https://forum.adblockplus.org/ | 87 |
22 | https://forum.bodybuilding.com/ | 86 |
23 | http://www.city-data.com/forum/ | 86 |
24 | https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/ | 86 |
25 | https://forum.audacityteam.org/ | 84 |
26 | https://forums.gentoo.org/ | 83 |
27 | https://forum.xat.com/ | 81 |
28 | https://kb.foxitsoftware.com/hc/en-us | 80 |
29 | https://neosmart.net/forums/ | 80 |
30 | https://forums.linuxmint.com/ | 79 |
31 | https://www.webmasterworld.com/devshed/ | 78 |
32 | https://www.webmasterworld.com/ | 78 |
33 | https://forum.ableton.com/ | 78 |
34 | https://forums.superherohype.com/ | 78 |
35 | https://www.avsforum.com/forums/ | 78 |
36 | https://duc.avid.com/ | 77 |
37 | http://forums.mozillazine.org/ | 76 |
38 | https://forum.winehq.org/ | 75 |
39 | https://community.hannity.com/ | 75 |
40 | https://forum.daemon-tools.cc/ | 73 |
41 | https://forums.digitalpoint.com/ | 72 |
42 | https://www.warriorforum.com/ | 71 |
43 | https://forums.afterdawn.com/ | 71 |
44 | https://bbpress.org/forums/ | 70 |
45 | https://community.infosecinstitute.com/ | 70 |
46 | https://www.sanparks.org/forums/ | 69 |
47 | https://www.techno-science.net/forum/ | 67 |
48 | https://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/ | 67 |
49 | https://forum.cyclinguk.org/ | 67 |
50 | http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/ | 67 |
51 | https://forum.dbpoweramp.com/ | 66 |
52 | https://forum.rpg.net/index.php | 66 |
53 | https://www.wilderssecurity.com/ | 65 |
54 | https://forum.luminous-landscape.com/ | 65 |
55 | https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/ | 64 |
56 | https://www.techsupportforum.com/ | 64 |
57 | http://www.rw-designer.com/forum | 64 |
58 | https://www.webhostingtalk.com/ | 63 |
59 | https://blenderartists.org/forum/ | 63 |
60 | https://www.delphiforums.com/ | 62 |
61 | https://forum.html.it/forum/ | 62 |
62 | https://forums.permaculturenews.org/ | 60 |
63 | https://www.blackhatworld.com/forums/ | 59 |
64 | https://seo-forum.link-assistant.com/ | 59 |
65 | https://www.easyuefi.com/forums/index.php | 59 |
66 | https://wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum/ | 58 |
67 | https://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum/ | 58 |
68 | https://webdeveloper.com/ | 58 |
69 | https://forum.antp.be/phpbb3/index.php | 57 |
70 | https://forum.kirupa.com/ | 57 |
71 | https://forums.ocworkbench.com/ | 57 |
72 | https://forum.axishistory.com/ | 57 |
73 | https://www.pricescope.com/community/ | 56 |
74 | https://discussions.vtiger.com/ | 56 |
75 | https://community.mybb.com/ | 56 |
76 | https://www.forums.fedoraforum.org/ | 56 |
77 | https://ecomodder.com/forum/ | 56 |
78 | https://www.softcatala.org/forum/ | 55 |
79 | https://www.digitalhome.ca/forums/ | 55 |
80 | http://brigadeofhonor.guildwork.com/forum/ | 54 |
81 | https://discussions.corebos.org/ | 54 |
82 | https://freewebsitetemplates.com/forums/ | 53 |
83 | http://www.blackberryforums.com/ | 53 |
84 | https://www.hmailserver.com/forum/ | 53 |
85 | https://www.ozzu.com/ | 52 |
86 | https://www.htmlvalidator.com/CSS-HTML-Forum/ | 52 |
87 | https://www.wahm.com/forum/ | 52 |
88 | https://forum.cmsmadesimple.org/ | 52 |
89 | http://www.ronpaulforums.com/forum.php | 52 |
90 | https://awasu.com/forums/ | 51 |
91 | https://forums.debian.net// | 51 |
92 | https://loinc.org/forum/ | 51 |
93 | https://www.forums.onlinebookclub.org/ | 50 |
94 | https://www.namepros.com/ | 50 |
95 | https://www.antionline.com/ | 50 |
96 | https://boards.core77.com/ | 50 |
97 | https://homedistiller.org/forum/ | 50 |
98 | https://forums.hostsearch.com/index.php | 49 |
99 | https://forums.hostsearch.com/ | 49 |
100 | https://www.phpbb-fr.com/forums/ | 49 |
101 | https://www.yourkit.com/forum/ | 49 |
102 | https://aseannow.com/ | 49 |
103 | https://forums.formz.com/ | 48 |
104 | https://www.theadminzone.com/ | 48 |
105 | https://www.textkit.com/greek-latin-forum/ | 48 |
106 | https://www.wickedfire.com/ | 48 |
107 | https://forum.undernet.org/ | 48 |
108 | https://www.gpwa.org/forum/ | 48 |
109 | https://www.bibleworks.com/forums/ | 48 |
110 | https://www.plantedtank.net/ | 48 |
111 | https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/ | 47 |
112 | https://forum.wpde.org/ | 47 |
113 | https://www.alldeaf.com/ | 46 |
114 | https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/ | 46 |
115 | http://game-editor.com/forum/ | 46 |
116 | https://www.cyburbia.org/forums/ | 46 |
117 | https://forum.m5stack.com/ | 46 |
118 | http://forums.qrecall.com/forums/list.page | 46 |
119 | https://forum.meteonetwork.it/index.php | 45 |
120 | https://myblogu.com/ | 45 |
121 | https://www.rangerovers.net/ | 45 |
122 | https://celestia.space/forum/ | 44 |
123 | https://www.degreeinfo.com/index.php | 44 |
124 | https://forum.abakus-internet-marketing.de/ | 43 |
125 | https://forum.ddigest.com/ | 43 |
126 | https://unicyclist.com/categories | 43 |
127 | https://forums.uvdesk.com/ | 42 |
128 | https://www.skepticforum.com/ | 41 |
129 | https://www.mylargescale.com/ | 41 |
130 | http://www.dreamteammoney.com/ | 40 |
131 | https://www.dnforum.com/ | 40 |
132 | http://www.security-forums.com/ | 40 |
133 | https://forums.zoomsearchengine.com/ | 39 |
134 | https://www.noreast.com/ | 39 |
135 | https://www.geschichtsforum.de/ | 38 |
136 | https://www.gardenstew.com/ | 38 |
137 | http://forums.devnetwork.net/ | 38 |
138 | https://forum.configserver.com/ | 38 |
139 | http://forum.seopanel.in/ | 37 |
140 | https://www.tm-forum.com/ | 37 |
141 | https://forum.howtoforge.de/ | 37 |
142 | https://www.acuraworld.com/ | 37 |
143 | https://www.saablink.net/ | 37 |
144 | http://www.globalvision2000.com/forum/index.php | 37 |
145 | https://siteownersforums.com/ | 36 |
146 | http://www.seorefugee.com/forums/forum.php | 36 |
147 | https://forum.phpwcms.org/ | 36 |
148 | https://daemonforums.org/ | 36 |
149 | https://mathhelpforum.com/math/ | 36 |
150 | https://forum.znyata.com/ | 35 |
151 | https://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/ | 35 |
152 | http://www.seomastering.com/ | 34 |
153 | http://forum.tetis.ru/ | 34 |
154 | http://www.imtalk.org/ | 34 |
155 | https://www.bmx-forum.com/ | 34 |
156 | https://whmcs.community/ | 34 |
157 | https://www.gr86.org/ | 34 |
158 | https://www.roundcubeforum.net/ | 33 |
159 | https://www.bimmerwerkz.com/ | 33 |
160 | https://www.deerhuntersclub.com/ | 33 |
161 | https://www.pintradingdb.com/forum/index.php | 33 |
162 | https://community.forumpromotion.net/ | 32 |
163 | http://www.heraldik-wappen.de/ | 32 |
164 | https://www.wholesaleforum.com/discuss/ | 31 |
165 | https://www.wondercms.com/community/?v=2 | 31 |
166 | https://sailingforums.com/ | 31 |
167 | http://www.theskywatergroup.com/forum/index.php | 31 |
168 | http://www.htmlhelpcentral.com/ | 30 |
169 | https://flagcounter.boardhost.com/ | 30 |
170 | https://www.freehostforum.com/index.php | 29 |
171 | https://www.freehostforum.com/ | 29 |
172 | http://www.moneymakerdiscussion.com/ | 29 |
173 | https://eternalpirates.com/forum/index.php | 28 |
174 | http://magentoexpertforum.com/ | 27 |
175 | https://www.carolinafishtalk.com/ | 27 |
176 | https://www.newninja.com/ | 27 |
177 | https://www.cayenneforums.com/ | 27 |
178 | https://chattanooga-music.com/community/ | 27 |
179 | https://www.regalforums.com/ | 26 |
180 | https://www.seo-forum.se/ | 25 |
181 | http://www.ewebdiscussion.com/ | 24 |
182 | https://webhelpforums.net/?sslRedirect | 24 |
183 | https://rockythemes.com/forum/ | 24 |
184 | https://www.atvdragracers.com/ | 23 |
185 | https://www.foresterforums.com/forums/ | 22 |
186 | https://www.nameslot.com/ | 21 |
187 | https://www.volvoforum.com/ | 21 |
188 | https://www.talkingcity.com/ | 20 |
189 | https://iq69.com/ | 20 |
190 | https://cmsimpleforum.com/ | 20 |
191 | https://forum.mymue.com/ | 20 |
192 | https://www.commandertalk.com/ | 20 |
193 | https://www.f6cforum.com/ | 20 |
194 | https://www.vikingforum.net/ | 20 |
195 | https://wattes.nl/forum/index.php | 20 |
196 | https://l2emi.eu/Forum/index.php | 19 |
197 | http://forums.thewebhostbiz.com/ | 18 |
198 | https://www.freeadzforum.com/ | 18 |
199 | https://www.priusforum.com/ | 18 |
200 | https://www.era-go.com/forum/ | 17 |
201 | https://forum.ssg-youngdiabetes.org/index.php | 17 |
202 | https://scurvy.proboards.com/ | 15 |
203 | https://www.madeinchinatalk.com/ | 14 |
204 | http://seowebtalk.com/ | 7 |
Top 10 High Authority Trusted Social Bookmarking Sites list
High PR Search Engine Submission Site List
Top High Authority & Low Spam Guest Posting Site List
Top 20+ High Authority Profile Creation Site List
Top 20 High Authority Article Submission Site List
Forums are the best places for free do-follow backlinks but you can not create backlinks in the forum which are not related to your topic. The best way to create backlinks in the forum is to provide answers and relevant citations. I have included only top forum sites which are not spammy. I hope this will help you to increase domain authority, not spam score.
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List of best 10 Essential writing tools
How does social media affect SEO
How Image Optimization Can Boost Ranking
Social media marketing is a very effective way to start and upgrade a brand. It however needs you to know what aspects to really focus on and be intentional about it thank you so much dear sir .
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